Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Interstate Escape

Last week my two gorgeous kids and I jumped on a plane headed for Canberra, to catch up with my Brother, Sister in Law and my Nephews, their cousins. We were there for 4 and a half days.

We had the house and the first two days to ourselves, before the weekend, which we got to spend all together.

I had no real plans, except to try and see Floriade and of course take plenty of pics of the kids. Well I definetely succeeded with the later.

Got to see Floriade, but sadly not the chance to take pics. Bit hard wrangling two kids and stroller, and everything else associated when travelling with kids, oh and of course the camera bag.

It was a lovely break away from home, although extremely tiring. But the kids had the best time. We don't get to see my family very often, so like to make to the most of it when we can.

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