Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Children can say the most beautiful things, there are so innocent yet so truthful...

I recently bought home some flowers I had received at work, celebrating my 1 year anniversary of being there....the first thing my 4 year old said was Mummy are they your flowers, why did you get them....after explaining he turns around and says Mummy your flowers are very beautiful.

This morning he looks out the window at the sunrise, Mummy it's foggy outside but the sunrise is beautiful. It is so warming to hear these things out of the mouths of babes. I try to bring my children up to appreciate everthing, especially nature.

There have been many occassion my 4 year old tells me things are beautiful. We can be laying on his bed having hugs and kisses and he will say, Mummy your hair smells beautiful, or Mummy your bracelet is beautiful. I have put make up on to go out and he says Mummy your eyes look beautiful. I really makes me melt to hear him say these things. My only wish is that he never looses that quality for appreciating the little things in life.

I love you very much Master Ryan, you will always be BEAUTIFUL....

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