Well, I thought I'd let you all know what has been going on with Treasured Moments...Photography by Tanya.
When I first got things going I did a 200 brochure drop at a local child care centre, and also post brochures and posters around some ICA cricket arena's, I also took it upon myself to sponsor a local cricket club, The Grange Dolphins...these to me were all ways of getting myself out there and advertising.
I got two jobs throught the brochure drops at the child care centre, one was a Wedding, and the other a Christening.
I have since gone down the lets build a website idea, bought my own software, did a course to learn how to use it, and the found I was stumbling with the graphics side of things. A friend told pointed me in the direction of http://www.bludomain.com/ (website templates you purchase outright)which I feel in love with. After a lot of ooh I like this one and aah I love that, I decided upon a style I like and I think is very me... Juliet http://www.bludomaintemplates.com/juliet/
I have had to upgrade my domain hosting, which was a bit more pricey, and now have my IT guy going over it all to make sure everything is compatabile...so I can then have the web template built and send back to me to start working on....getting very frustrated here....it would be nice to show of what I can do. Once the website is live and operational I want to do another marketing drive...
I've been fortunate to have been booked for another wedding next April, of which I am really looking forward too and am already coming up with ideas for shots, and have been asked tonight to take some photos at a 1st Birthday Party in the middle of next month.
With only working word of mouth so far, I am finding things a little slower than I would like, but they say patience is a virtue, good things come to those who wait....well I am willing to be patient as this is something I really want to work.
If you're looking for photography, for your Wedding, Engagement, Baby, Pregnancy, any occassion you want to remember for ever, please feel free to contact me, either on enquiry@photographybytanya.com.au or clicking on the contact me link at the bottom of the page.
When I first got things going I did a 200 brochure drop at a local child care centre, and also post brochures and posters around some ICA cricket arena's, I also took it upon myself to sponsor a local cricket club, The Grange Dolphins...these to me were all ways of getting myself out there and advertising.
I got two jobs throught the brochure drops at the child care centre, one was a Wedding, and the other a Christening.
I have since gone down the lets build a website idea, bought my own software, did a course to learn how to use it, and the found I was stumbling with the graphics side of things. A friend told pointed me in the direction of http://www.bludomain.com/ (website templates you purchase outright)which I feel in love with. After a lot of ooh I like this one and aah I love that, I decided upon a style I like and I think is very me... Juliet http://www.bludomaintemplates.com/juliet/
I have had to upgrade my domain hosting, which was a bit more pricey, and now have my IT guy going over it all to make sure everything is compatabile...so I can then have the web template built and send back to me to start working on....getting very frustrated here....it would be nice to show of what I can do. Once the website is live and operational I want to do another marketing drive...
I've been fortunate to have been booked for another wedding next April, of which I am really looking forward too and am already coming up with ideas for shots, and have been asked tonight to take some photos at a 1st Birthday Party in the middle of next month.
With only working word of mouth so far, I am finding things a little slower than I would like, but they say patience is a virtue, good things come to those who wait....well I am willing to be patient as this is something I really want to work.
If you're looking for photography, for your Wedding, Engagement, Baby, Pregnancy, any occassion you want to remember for ever, please feel free to contact me, either on enquiry@photographybytanya.com.au or clicking on the contact me link at the bottom of the page.
I hope you enjoy my blog, and I look forward to sharing the journey with you all. Please feel free to leave comments on my blog at anytime.